Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thank you!

If you were kind enough to take the time to read DNA Menagerie after I posted it:

Several people contacted me to share their own childhood stories and I am happy to  know I was not the only person afraid of the outhouse.  How do we get to know others if we do not share our stories and make authentic connections?  I say "authentic" because sometimes folk have ulterior motives to get to know other people so we have to be discerning when accepting others into our lives.  And, sometimes, it is difficult for others to believe what is being said to them because of their own life experiences.  For example:  when a friend and I discussed our childhoods, some years ago, and the subject of schools came up, I told him I attended a segregated school.  My friend did not believe me because the schools he attended were always integrated schools.  He is only a year or so older than I am and he told me what I was saying could not be true.  We grew up within an hours drive of each other but in different counties and what I said to him was hard for him to believe.  I will put it simply, people:  Listen.  Ask questions.  Enjoy the exchange of ideas and experiences.  And, do not devalue the experiences of others simple because your experiences are different.

Peace! and Love, ya'll! 
Until next time

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